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Personal Coaching

Motivate yourself to try something new

We traditionally regard the New Year as the time for 'resolutions'. Personally, I have found that the best resolutions are often made at the end of the summer, coinciding with the start of the academic year. If you find yourself lacking in motivation to consider a new course of study (or any new beginning for that matter) think about the…
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As many of you will know the word 'Karma' comes from the Eastern religious traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism. It is in common use in the West, where we talk about 'good' and 'bad' Karma.Depending on what you believe, Karma is some or all of the following : - a distinctive aura or feeling about a situation - a belief…
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What is holding you back?

Are there situations, say at work, where you are committed to a goal, but you somehow fail to deliver? When this happens it may be because of some unconscious belief (with a fear related to it) that is working in the background to undermine your resolve. Some examples : - a failure to collaborate with others when part of a…
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Self-love : the foundation for good relationships

The quality of your relationships with others will tend to mirror your relationship with yourself. If you own, accept and celebrate all aspects of who you are you will naturally open your heart to others, and treat them with respect, kindness and inclusiveness.If you have self-love you will honor yourself, recognize your unique gifts and talents and show your appreciation…
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Change in it’s own time

When you have a moment of recognition that you need to make changes in your life - work, career, relationships etc it is usually followed by some kind of action to get you to a better place. However, this initial enthusiasm can be overtaken by impatience to see results. Like a spoiled child you want everything NOW ! If this…
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On past experiences

The memory of difficult past experiences, which leave us with a legacy of pain, regret, sadness etc, can dominate our present and hold us back. We may need time for healing and to process the feelings (if necessary with professional support) but for the sake of our happiness we need to put the past behind us and get on with…
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Mindful Action

Mindfulness is a hot topic these days as increasingly the mental health benefits of incorporating periods of simple 'beingness', without thought, are being recognized and supported by evidence based research. There is increasing acknowledgement that setting time aside for  'non doing' to quieten the mind enhances our personal awareness and coping abilities. While the mainstreaming of mindfulness owes much to…
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Test your assumptions

We could not function if we did not make assumptions - things we assume to be true and which form the basis for our decision making. However, when we make a mistake it is because one of our assumptions is incorrect. The assumption may never have been accurate or it was true at one time but not now. It is…
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Major Personal Decisions

Major decisions are not to be taken lightly, as the consequences of making the 'wrong call' can be far reaching and long lasting. It is, of course, important to recognize a major decision as such, so that you give it the attention it deserves. Examples of major decisions include choice/change of career, decision to relocate or emigrate, decision to marry/…
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Fear – a doorway to confidence

It may seem counter intuitive to think of fear as a route to confidence. After all isn't it fear that undermines our confidence, that holds us back from being all we might be. I would argue that it is fear avoidance or denial that is the real problem -  you could say the fear of fear itself. We are acutely…
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