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Personal Coaching

Tips for deciding ‘What you want’

As a coach I spend a lot of time working with clients to help them determine their desired outcomes. 'What do you want ? ' seems like a perfectly reasonable question but it is surprising how often the answer proves to be elusive. But the question cannot be avoided as having an end goal that you are happy with is essential…
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The business of staying ‘Present”

The advice used to be 'take one day at a time', but these days you are more likely to hear about 'living in the now' or the ' Power of Now', after the bestselling Eckhart Tolle book of the same name or other books on the subject of staying present. In looking at why present moment living is a model…
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Do you have an independent ‘sounding board’ ?

There has never been more coaching and advisory support available to those in business, in employment or between jobs, provided by a range of private, state sponsored and voluntary sources. But many do not even explore the possibility of availing of this support, assuming that it is not worth the effort or the cost. Others will see this more as…
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Prioritise the important over the urgent

The focus of many businesses over the recession has necessarily been on short term survival, namely the 'urgent'. If your  business has come through the worst recession in living memory congratulate yourself, but  ask whether it is now time to step back and take a look at your positioning for future success - the 'important'. Signs that you need to…
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CV and job interview preparation

The purpose of this article is to give an overview of the basics of CV and job interview preparation. In a highly competitive job market you must communicate clearly and concisely to potential employers, emphasizing how you meet key job requirements. If you do not have a succinct, customized (to particular jobs) and professional CV and cover letter you will…
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Business Networking Events

Unless you are in the fortunate position of having a strong and stable customer base or being able to rely entirely on referrals for business the chances are that you have a need to market your business through some form of promotional activity. One important way to promote your business is attendance at networking events organized by such as business…
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Do you use intuition or logic for decision making?

The answer to the above question is, of course, that we use both intuition and logic in our decision making. As these are quite distinctive and separate mental processes, with different strengths and weaknesses, we need to be aware of these differences and how they might impact on the quality of our thinking and decision making. By intuition I mean…
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Networking is a state of mind

Networking can be defined as the activity of building and maintaining relationships with others which are supportive, and a resource to draw on, in the development of your career/business.  If you have any doubt about the merits of networking remember that people do business (or offer jobs) to people that they know and like. It is for this reason that…
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On Rejection

Rejection (real or perceived) is something that all of us have to deal with from time to time. For some it is a daily occurence, as any salesman at the sharp end of an aggressive sales campaign will tell you ! So we need to develop a functional working relationship with rejection. We would not be human if we did…
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Being Open to the New

If asked, the chances are that most of us would say that we are 'open minded', willing to consider the new, be open to new opportunities and friendships etc. We would regard openness as a virtue and a necessary trait for our personal growth and development. This being the case it might be a good idea to check in every now…
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