086 806 1967

Camino Days 7/8

Day 7

As by now I have a swollen left ankle to balance my gammy right knee I decided to go only as far as Viana (19kms), a lively village, with an athmospheric old square around the church of Santa Maria. Stayed in the hostal attached to the church – mats rather than matresses…too hard, never again! The journey had more picturesque rolling hills…needed to be careful on the downhill sections because of my knee.
Day 8
Left the hostal at 6am (still dark) to minimise exposure to the sun for what proved to be a long 22km trek to Navarette…but injuries have stabilised and I am in better shape than many of my fellow travellers.
‘Holiday’ is beginning to drag a bit now, in what is the middle of my Camino – 8 days gone and 6 to go.
The same people seem to be turning up at every destination, which is good. Others are making the same choices I am making to shorthen the longer sections.
Contrary to what I had been led to believe the hostals are generally clean and tidy. They are quite different from each other and you never know what will be awaiting at the end of your day…adds to the excitement. They are also very reasonably priced ….and some are voluntary donation only, the true spirit of the Camino !
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