086 806 1967

Camino Day 10

6 am start in the dark ( a bit risky…couldn’t see where I was walking !) for 22km to Granon. Staying in the hostal which is fully integrated with the beautiful and characterful ancient church of the village.
By now there is a well established group meeting up every evening and the destination for the next evening is broadly discussed and agreed. Feeling stronger all the time, as injuries heal,  and feel that I could walk all the way to Santiago !…..but the end to my Camino beckons in about 4 days.  
I have become accustomed to the sound of church bells day and night wherever we go – a connection to the past when religious observance was very strong, and to the eternal. I am reminded of Hemmingways’ famous novel of the Spanish Civil War,  ‘ For whom the Bell Tolls’ 
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