086 806 1967

Camino de Santiago

I am flying to Spain tomorrow with a friend to complete the final sections of the Camino Frances. This now popular old pilgrimage route, dating back to the middle ages, runs East to West along the North of Spain, from St Jean Pied de Port in the French Pyrenees to the cathedral dedicated to the apostle James in Santiago. Most walk the c 800 km route but cycling or horseback (!) are also options.

I completed two legs of this journey last year – the middle sections between Burgos and Astorga last April and the first sections to Burgos in July/August. I have just reviewed the diary blogs which I wrote last July/ August. They are a useful day by day reminder of the experience, the details of which I would doubtless otherwise have forgotten, before I head off tomorrow to finish (hopefully !) the final sections (c 270 kms)  from Astorga to Santiago.

It will be interesting for me to see how this years experience compares to last, what interesting people I meet along the way and how I feel upon arriving in Santiago – will there be any moment of enlightenment !


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