086 806 1967

Welcome the Inconvenient !

No matter how much planning we do to have an ordered personal, career, or business life it is inevitable that we are occasionally, if not frequently, knocked off course by inconvenient events that scuttle our plans.

A former senior politician when asked what he considered to be the greatest challenge in politics replied ‘events’, meaning the unexpected issues that suddenly arise without warning and demand attention.

When this happens we can have a tendency to go through an elongated and painful cycle of frustration, anger and denial before eventually, but inevitably, arriving at a place of acceptance, where we can begin to deal with the ‘inconvenient’ event.

While it is healthy to acknowledge and express our emotions the sooner we accept whatever has happened to upset our well laid plans, the sooner we can deal with the ‘inconvenience’, which we know deep down won’t go away until we give it our attention.

So for the sake of your own peace of mind it is best to develop a mindset which expects the unexpected.

For ‘top marks’ practice welcoming the inconvenient, when it comes knocking on your door ! Look for the opportunities that might be hidden in what at first appearance seems to be a wholly negative turn of events.

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