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Making the ‘right’ decision

It is important when we are at a major crossroads in our lives or career, to take time out to analyse our situation, where we want to go and identify and explore all the options before deciding on the way forward. Too often in situations that require us to make important  decisions we move too fast, before having a good look…
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What is going on in your internal chatter box ?

This article is about self - talk : those conversations we have with ourselves, which whether we realise it or not, greatly influence the way we act in the world. This in turn influences the shape of our lives, relationships and careers. When we feel 'stuck' it is often because of the ingrained and programmed way we dialogue with ourselves.…
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briancrowleycoaching: Findhorn

Just back after spending a week in Findhorn, the long established spiritual community near Inverness in the North of Scotland. Findhorn is an ideal location to take time out for reflection and to ponder lifes challenges. Check out the website ! http://www.briancrowleycoaching.ie/
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