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Developing Role Descriptions

Well written job descriptions can help to get everybody ‘pulling in the same direction'. As an organization grows it becomes more challenging to maintain lines of communication and to ensure that all employees are aligned to the achievement of the same shared vision.  The process of agreeing job descriptions should:  flush out any misunderstandings about rolesensure that there is no…
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Importance of Strategic Planning must be ‘sold’   

If a strategic planning process is to be successful it will involve a considerable commitment of time and energy by the senior leadership team, not only at the planning stage but through all stages of implementation. This 'buy in' cannot be assumed and if it isn’t there from the beginning it is likely that after a few workshops interest in…
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Winning team is key to high growth

Behind every successful entrepreneur is a winning team. A committed founder, no matter how talented, will not ultimately be successful unless supported by a top class team, united around the same vision of success. Our culture tends to place the successful entrepreneur on a pedestal as if the success is a solo run. This is never the case. Sustained success requires…
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Self Justification

Self justification is all pervasive! It is the act of offering 'excessive' reasons, explanations or excuses to justify our thoughts or actions, usually when being challenged by others. Listen to any political debate, family dispute or colleagues discussing work issues and you will easily pick up how people choose arguments which are self serving. This note is not targeted at the…
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How to ‘Stand out from the Crowd’ in today’s corporate workplace

Hierarchical structures are being dismantled across the corporate world. There are good reasons for this. The pace of change means that businesses of all sizes need to be more agile and responsive to changes in the competitive environment through delayering of management structures.  This is needed to facilitate faster decision making and more effective channels of communication. So the old career model…
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Value of close work relationships

We all know the value of having close personal relationships. They add meaning to our lives, represent a mutual support system and are hugely important to our overall sense of connectedness, well being and happiness.  The chances are that you have relatively few truly close friends, but it is not a numbers game! You invest in these relationships. You know…
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Discovery process – key to winning the sale in professional services

Businesses which consistently win in professional services and consultancy, are those which have mastered the art of creating an exact fit between the specifics of the clients needs and their proposals. If  you are effective in establishing value in the eyes of your prospective client, you need not worry about the competition, as you will be the obvious choice. This…
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Do you and your team challenge ‘facts’ ?

It is interesting to reflect on the 'Fake News' debate that is grabbing the headlines these days. Essentially fake news is about making up or spinning stories which support an agenda or perspective. In other words the 'spinner' already has a particular point of view (BIAS) and is seeking to sell this point of view to others. This bias can…
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What does ‘Innovation’ mean in your business?

If you and your management team are not actively engaged in some form of  'innovation' the chances are that the business will decline and die in the not too distant future. Such is the pace of change. Traditional sectors, where historically there has not been a culture of innovation, are particularly at risk. Innovation initiatives can take many forms: Continuous…
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Build online communities for success in B2C

Social media is now an essential resource to build sales in B2C.  This will become more 'true' as younger segments, who are particularly active on social media, mature into high spend consumers. If your market is retail consumers and you do not already have a strategy to build your online 'community' it is time to do so. How? You must…
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