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Business Coaching

Nothing changes without ACTION

It can be tempting to think that just by developing a vision and of what we want and believing that we will get there, that this will result in the realization of our goals. Yes, having the right frame of mind is essential but only in so far as it inspires us to take action. So if you are struggling…
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Risk Management and the owner manager – tips

Risk Management is something about which every owner manager should be concerned, more so perhaps than a senior executive of a large corporation, who may not lose his job if it all goes wrong (even if he does the chances are that he will receive a generous compensation package). Compare this to the owner manager, where every major decision he/she…
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Test your business strategy

There seems to be a 'strategy' for everything these days, but much of what is referred to as strategy is little more than low level tactical planning, rather than an articulation of the means by which business goals will be achieved. So whether or not it has evolved over time or is the result of a deliberate strategy formulation exercise…
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Developing Strategy – Steps

One of the most admired qualities in business leaders is the capacity to be decisive -  to communicate clearly what has to be done and to follow through with courage and conviction. The assumption, of course, is that the strategy being implemented is the right one. It may not be. The danger with naturally action orientated leaders is that they…
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When to say ‘NO’ to business opportunities

When you have decided on a business strategy make sure that you have the discipline to create space for it to succeed. This can mean saying 'No' to business that is not part of your core offering. If you find yourself 'hedging your bets' you need to question your commitment to the strategy, or maybe you need to reflect further…
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Do you have an independent ‘sounding board’ ?

There has never been more coaching and advisory support available to those in business, in employment or between jobs, provided by a range of private, state sponsored and voluntary sources. But many do not even explore the possibility of availing of this support, assuming that it is not worth the effort or the cost. Others will see this more as…
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Lincoln : A lesson in Leadership

Below are some insights on leadership, inspired by Abraham Lincoln. They are relevant to anybody in a leadership role. 1. Take a long term view. Decisions that cause a lot of difficulty can be justified if they are consistent with achieving the ultimate goal. Leadership is not about popularity, at least in the short term, but about realizing a shared…
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Lincoln : A lesson in Resilience

If you are struggling to establish a career or build a business in challenging times the story of Abraham Lincoln should be an inspiration. I recommend Doris Kearns Goodwin's book 'Lincoln (team of rivals)' for it's depiction of how Lincoln, from humble beginnings, rose to the highest office in the land, overcoming many setbacks along the way and leading America…
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Start up business – is it worth the Risk?

So you are in a secure job, but are feeling restless and are considering taking the plunge into the uncertain world of self employment, or maybe you have lost your job and are considering investing your precious savings in a new venture. Alternatively, you may be a serial entrepreneur who is familiar with the process of risk assessment for start…
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Business Networking Events

Unless you are in the fortunate position of having a strong and stable customer base or being able to rely entirely on referrals for business the chances are that you have a need to market your business through some form of promotional activity. One important way to promote your business is attendance at networking events organized by such as business…
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